Coming up for auction in Spring 2020 is a collection of selected titles within the fields of Norwegian First Editions, Polar History, Scandinavian History, Ornithology & Colour Plate Books. These are selected titles collected over several decades by a person with the curiosity for the uniqueness of single items as well as the sense of completion added to the hunter gene of the Bibliophile.
This section includes titles within Arctica & Antarctica, both in the English and Norwegian languages. The selection of Norwegian titles includes inscriptions by Nansen and Amundsen, even Amundsen personal copies of Nansen’s “Fram over Polhavet” [Farthest North] and Hjalmar Johansen’s “Selv Anden på 86° 14′ ” [With Nansen in the North], most probably once a part of the library on board Fram on the expedition towards the South Pole. Many of the Norwegian titles are present in parts, placed in beautiful clam shell boxes.
Ernest Shackleton’s “Aurora Australis”, the first book to be printed in the Arctic [probably between 75-100 copies], is the definitive highlight in this section. Among later titles is a nice suite of titles by Thor Heyerdahl, including inscriptions and ALS material.
Denne delen inneholder spesielt gode rekker av Knut Hamsun og Henrik Ibsen. Av høydepunktene kan nevnes et komplett velholdt sett av “Andrhrimner”, publikasjonen som i sjeldenhetsgrad kan sammenlignes med “Fru Inger” i omslag, og vi kjenner kun en håndfull eksemplarer. Videre inneholder samlingen gode rekker av Johan Sebastian Welhaven, Henrik Wergeland og Søren Kierkegaard. Av nyere litteratur kan nevnes en meget god rekke av Hans Børli, de fleste med lange dedikasjoner til Harald Sverdrup.
An exceptional set, the only contemporary hand coloured set known, of Paul Gaimard’s “Voyages de la commission scientifique du Nord, en Scandinavie, en Laponie, au Spitzberg et aux Feröe, pendant les années 1838, 1839 et 1840 sur la corvette La Recherche.”, represents the corner stone of this section. Furthermore this section includes a number of fine copies within titles related to Norway, such as: Smith [coloured], Anckarswärd, Edy/Boydell, Tönsberg, Wergmann and more.